Thursday, January 21, 2021

  GURU           : Agung Safitri, S.Pd

MAPEL          : Bahasa Inggris

KELAS          : XII IPA 1 - XII IPA 5

KODE KD    : 3.4 membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks news item lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait berita sederhana dari koran/radio/TV, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.4 menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks news items lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk berita sederhana koran/radio/TV

MATERI       : News Item

TUJUAN     : Peserta didik diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi beberapa teks news item dan fungsi sosialnya.

                       Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian struktur teks report dan mengamati cara penggunaanya, seperti yang dicontohkan

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

Tabik Pun.

Good Morning Class.

I hope all of you are in a good condition.

It’s better to pray dhuha before joining the class.

Keep on spirit to participate in the class activity.

Hope we get Barokah from ALLAH SWT.


Class Instruction :

1. Last week we already discussed about News Item Text.

2. Following are exercises about News Item Text.

3. Read text (focused on the italic words) and try to answer the exercise (write on your book)

4. Question and answer about the text and exercises will be held on Whatsup Group PJJ Kelas 12 IPA 1 and 12 IPA 5

News Item Text 1

The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an infant via Instagram.
MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East Java, on Sunday. He was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a baby boy when he was only three days old.

Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction was conducted in Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang in Banten.
“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday (The Jakarta Post, Tue, October 16, 2018)

Questions :

1.      1. What is the purpose of the text?

2.      2. What is the generic structure of the text above?

3.     3.  “MN was arrested at his house…” The underlined word refers to a house belongs to…….

4.    4.   “…for allegedly buying an infant” The infant word means ……


News Item Text 2


JAKARTA: Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck on Dipenogoro street at 10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all the passengers of the car. The police believed the car had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not see the car approaching

The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed on Dipenogoro street. In addition, the police report that the car, a small Japanese car, should not have been carrying more than five people. If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have identified the names of the victim easily.


Questions :

1.     1. The text reports that there was/were…

2.     2. What was the cause of the collision?

3.    3.  “If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have been easy to identify the names of the victims.” (The last sentence).

What is the sentence means.....

4.     4. Who said that the accident was caused by the car?

5.     5. Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus…(paragraph 1 line 2). What is the meaning of underline word....