Friday, September 3, 2021

Business Letter










12 Social 1



12 Social 3






3.2 membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya


4.2 surat lamaran kerja

اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ

Tabik Pun.

Good Morning Class.

I hope all of you are in a good condition.

It’s better to pray dhuha before joining the class.

Keep on spirit to participate in the class activity.

Hope we get Barokah from ALLAH SWT.


بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Nice to meet you again in English Class

Today We are going to learn about  BUSINESS LETTER


Study the difference between a personal letter and a business letter (Semi Formal Letter) as outlined in the table below !


Personal Letter

Bussiness Letter

Sent to an individual, friends, family, relatives, and acquaintances

Sent to a functional, an authority, an office, an institution, or a company

Varied in the use of salutation

Use Dear…

Use the first name

Use of titles : Sir, Madam, Mr/Mrs….

Include affectionate words such as Dearest, My love, My beloved, etc

No use of affectionate words

Non standart format

Standart format


Business Letter Format

1.   Date: Use month, day, year format, e.g., March 3, 20xx or 3 March 20xx

2.  Sender's Address: It is a good idea to include sender's email and url, if available. 

3.  InsideAddress: Use full name. Mr./Ms. is optional

4.   Salutation: Be sure to use a colon at the end of the name, not a comma as in personal letters

5.   Body Text: State why you are writing. Establish any connection/mutual relationship up front. Outline the solution, providing proof in the way of examples and expert opinions. Group related information into paragraphs.

6.   Closing "Call to Action": State what the reader needs to do and what you will do to follow up

7.   Closing Salutation

Formal : Respectfully yours, Yours sincerely, Cordially, Respectfully

Less Formal : All the best, Best, Thank you, Regards

8.   Signature Block: Sign your letter in blue or black ink

9.   Sender Name and Title

10. Enclosures: Use if you have an enclosure

11. Carbon Copy: Use if you are sending a copy to additional person(s)

Exampe of Business Letter


Sender's Address

GP & Associates 

2053 SW Channing Avenue, Suite 400

Denver,CO 80016



July 20, 20xx


Inside Address

Ms. Tia Turfingeon


3400 Onesite Parkway

Denver, CO 80016



Dear Ms. Turfingeon,


Body Text:

I understand from our mutual acquaintance, Chad Johnson, that you are looking to retain an accountant to assist you in the sale of your business. I would welcome the opportunity to show you how GP & Associates was able to help Chad successfully sell his business earlier this year.


As you'll see on our website, my associates and I have extensive experience in financial accounting, internal audits, and tax compliance. For the past several years, we have specialized in business evaluation and transition services for sellers. We enjoy working closely with clients throughout the sale process to ensure a smooth transition. As our clients can attest, our various pre-sale price improvement strategies can significantly optimize a business's sale price.

Shouldyou be thinking of purchasing another business, please note that we also offer business acquisition services. For your convenience, I have enclosed additional information describing GP & Associates full range of services.


Call to action: To set up an appointment to discuss your specific needs, please contact me at 303-449-0037. I know how busy you are, so I will give you a call on Tuesday to follow up if I haven’t heard from you.


BestRegards, (Closingsalutation)

Signature Block

Greg Parker (Sender Name and Title)





Today’s Assignment


Please Find an example of Formal?Bussiness Letter, then identified the form (Such the example given above)

Carilah contoh Surat Bisnis, kemudian identifikasi sesuai format yang diberikan (Seperti format yang diberikan di contoh)


Write your answer on this blog column comment as soon as possible

Tulis/Ketik jawaban di kolom komentar Blogger.

Jawaban dikumpulkan paling lambat hari ini jam 16.00 WIB.

Thank You for your attendace on today's meeting (Online and Offline)

Hope we always in a health condition